Explore Our Expert Preparedness Resources and Skills

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The theme for the March 2014 issue of PREPARE Magazine offers information and resources on preparedness using primitive skills and tools.  This publication is one of our our absolute favorites.  The tools and trainings featured in this publication are fantastic and our readers will enjoy the expertise shared from our amazing writers.   This issue offers great resources and information that will help you begin making preparations now.

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What comes to mind when you hear the word: “Primitive”?  For some people the images of prehistoric man, cave drawings and clubs may come to mind.  For others, their thoughts may tend toward the images of the pioneers and indigenous natives of America lifestyles.  Yet for some, it is the bare basics of  the essentials of life: simplicity in its finest glory.  Perhaps a combination of all of these images and more are what captivate one’s thoughts when the word “Primitive” is pondered. 

Not that long ago, by the standards of our technological lifestyle, we were quite a sophisticatedly primitive people.  However we have become very reliant upon the intricacies of modern day conveniences.  Should we protect our future by re-learning skills from the past? I believe it is not only prudent but imperative that we do exactly that.

The ancient art of story-telling  is not only a jewel of our human race that is fast becoming one of the most rare, to sit together and verbally pass down stories and history, but there is also skill to be learned from the vivid word pictures painted in “The Split Tongue”.  Also it may behoove us to look in to “Investing in Silver and Gold” since so many societies were previously based on precious metals.

You may be wondering if it is it possible to have “A Traditional Lifestyle in a Modern World”. One of our authors shares her family’s journey of how it is not only possible but enjoyable.  But rocks and sticks are not the only primitive means of surviving.  We can use more “’Contemporary’ Primitive Skills” by seeing how to use those typical things found around us in a more basic, yet unusual and essential manner.

If you’ve ever dreamed of just revamping your life and connecting to a more primitive, yet rich way of living each day, then you’ll enjoy how one author escaped “From Suburbia to the Simplicity of Turtle Island”. But if your life is not in a place that can take a radical shift just now, perhaps trying to take some time for new skills such as “Soapmaking – A Lost Art” can reconnect you with a skill once used in our history on a very frequent basis.  Or perhaps you would like the off-grid option of “An Electricity Free Water Pump”. Yes, built with today’s materials, but the design and functionality is surprisingly simple.

And finally, the most basic of all is looking at “Creation, [as] THE Primitive Tool”.  And when facing trials as we are overcome by the waves of modern society and feel we may sink into the abyss of being dependent upon the man-made systems that can so easily break down, we must remember to have “Faith Beyond the Boat”.  This desire is at the most basic depth of our preparedness and self-sufficiency. The desire to connect with the Creator and the creation with which He has Blessed us.


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