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The theme for the November 2013 issue of PREPARE Magazine offers information and resources on Preparing for Winter weather – and survival during harsh weather.  In a crisis or disaster preparedness situation, it is vital we have a good preparedness plan and strategy for the frigid weather of winter.

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PREPARE Magazine November 2013November is such a transitional month that moves from Fall to Winter in the blink of an eye!  But part of being prepared is planning to handle those changes.  That is why we hope to focus on Preparing for a BIG chill in this issue of PREPARE Magazine. Each year we know that winter is on the way, but Experts warn, Severe Weather is Coming this year, so being ready is paramount.

One of the things to be sure that you have at the ready is your car kit. So with 44 Winter Car Kit Considerations the author is sure to have an idea for you to incorporate to keep you safe on the road this winter.  What if it’s Cold outside? No Power? No Problem! There are alternative ways to stay warm.  And when snow abounds it’s not only fun to play in but actually has a more life-saving property than you may imagine, which you’ll see in the article: Snow Shelters for Fun & Emergencies.

Other areas of life still require our attention to preparedness even when rough weather roars outside.  So with cold and flu season in full swing, it’s good to know some alternatives that go Beyond Common ‘Scents’.  And should the unthinkable of a winter fire or other calamity strike, “How Do You Create A Personal Property Inventory When Everything Is Gone? Don’t worry. There are tools to help you recover that list that can be so hard to compile.

One of our new contributing authors has begun submitting a very exciting new series. These Apache Teaching Stories not only set the stage for learning the skills and technique but linger longer in the heart and mind of the listener than reading the skills from a text book. We hope you will enjoy the first of his many installments to come:  The Sacred Giant Bear and the Mosquitoes.

Please be sure to take a look and see the Community Connections closest to you.  If you don’t see one, but know of one please submit it to us to include in future issues. We would like to encourage you to find a group and connect with like-minded people.  It is most important during this time of year, but you may build relationships that save your life or you may help save the life of another.  And although the calendar year draws to a close soon, we hope you will be encouraged to Stop Looking Back! It’s time to look forward.

With each new digital and printed issue we are reminded of such wonderful people. Both you whom we serve, you who serves alongside us and those we have yet to involve.  May this message of preparedness reach far and wide and help build a better tomorrow – come what may!  Thank you for the honor of being able to share the journey thus far and the road ahead.


Attention:  If you are a PREPARE Premium Member, you will see the download link below.  (You will need to be logged-in to your account in order to see the download link).


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