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October 2013

Oct 10, 2013 | Archives (Past Publications) | 0 comments

By Administrator

The theme for the October 2013 issue of PREPARE Magazine offers information and resources on Preparing with animals – and Seasonal Preparedness.

Premium Members Download the October 2013 Publication Below

PREPARE Magazine October 2013 Summer is coming to a rapid close.  As the seasons change our thoughts may also be filled with life in its current state. One thing we must be diligent to do is remain focused on the potentials of life as we know it to alter at the drop of a hat. To be prepared, as best we possibly can, to shift or alter with grace, peace and compassion with whatever may come our way.

That is why in this issue of PREPARE Magazine you will find our focus this month is on dealing with not only human creatures, but the creatures other than ourselves, both untamed and domesticated. If hunting is an option for your food source, you could learn a very valuable attitude of thanks from the Apache Ways.  Perhaps your safest location is in a remote area, in which it is important to know if you are Bear Aware or Barely Aware. Both  urban, suburban and rural families who own pets may also need to plan for the animals’ in their keeping by knowing First Aid for Pets and planning what to do about Pets in a Crisis Situation. No matter your interaction with animals, be they livestock, pets or wild, they have a part in your preparedness planning.

To round out some other areas of life that need our preparedness attention, you will benefit from other articles, especially after the disastrous Floods that surprised Colorado recently.  At this time of year it’s also a good idea to think outside the food storage box and perhaps Try an Edible Landscape this Fall or curl up with a good book such as the one recommended in the Book Review: Secret Garden of Survival.

And as the weather turns and the summer harvest has slowed, it’s a good time to see the benefits to Write it Down. Start Now.  And as a reminder, there are always Important Things you cannot Neglect no matter the life’s hectic schedule or the pending year end activities.

It may seem there’s been a lull in the need to prepare, to fortify, and to learn skills. Let us assure you the need has never been greater to prepare, than in the quiet, seemingly more stable times.  Perhaps many people may feel that they have arrived and feel 100% secure in their plan or are on the other full end of the spectrum and see no need. Again a false sense of security can arise from either of these attitudes as well.  That is why it is important to consider that there is coming a Transitioning of Treasures.  To learn now how to deal with that transition will help you face life’s changes.

Again and always we share a Special Thank You to recognize the encouraging participants of PREPARE Magazine. From Special Partners and Contributors to designers, editors and writers, this is wonderful group of folks with whom to share the vision of helping more people be peacefully prepared. It is our joy to serve you, our readers and Premium Members. We are truly Blessed, Humbled and Honored with this calling.


Attention:  If you are a PREPARE Premium Member, you will see the download link below.  (You will need to be logged-in to your account in order to see the download link).



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