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Preparing Your Arms: Planning Your Firearms

Dec 4, 2013 | Books and Courses | 0 comments

By Administrator

Preparing Your ArmsWhether you are thinking of buying your first firearm or purchasing a new one, buying a firearm as part of your disaster preparedness plan just really makes good sense right now.

If it is your goal is to protect your family, to provide food for your family, or perhaps both, a firearm can be an incredible addition to your disaster preparedness cache. But you do need to understand what it means to be a firearm owner, to evaluate which firearm might be right for you, and be aware of other important factors, such as the law and safety concerns, before you make your purchase.

Owning a firearm is a huge responsibility, and you are taking the right steps by educating yourself first about the issues to consider. There are federal, state and local laws that apply. Depending on where you live and what firearm you purchase, you may have to acquire a permit.  Use this book as a resource guide to help you decide on your next purchase, and learn how to responsibly care for, train with, and, most importantly, secure your firearm when not in use.

Whether used for protection or for replenishing your food supply to keep your family alive and healthy, a firearm is an invaluable tool that can mean the difference between surviving and thriving in times of disaster.  Firearms are an important part of a preparedness plan and should be safely integrated into the preparedness lifestyle.

Here are some areas that will be covered in the book:

  • The case for being prepared
  • Before you buy, educate yourself about Gun Ownership
  • Making your firearm purchase decision
  • Info on Handguns, shotguns, and Rifles
  • Suggestions on where to purchase your firearms
  • Firearm safety and maintenance
  • Importance of proper cleaning and maintenance of your firearms
  • Importance of proper training and practice
  • Things to avoid with your weapons
  • Changes coming on the horizon

Brand New Release….

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How to Purchase, Store, and Secure Your Firearms

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