The theme for the September 2013 issue of PREPARE Magazine offers information and resources on Preparing for Natural Disasters. Emergency Natural Disasters can happen at any time and at any location. Putting together a Disaster Preparedness plan in the event of a natural disaster is vital. This is an excellent publication to help.
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September is National Preparedness Month. It’s not by coincidence that it also happens to be a peek season for many of our Nations natural disasters. You may be preparing for one thing or another or expecting some type of warning, but natural disasters have happened for centuries with little to no warning at all.
Preparing for economic collapse is one thing, but natural disasters are another. That’s why it’s good to look at Four Levels of Prepping. Are you prepared?
You may live in an area where you need to plan for either Tornado Emergency Preparedness or Hurricane Emergency Preparedness. You may live where there may be Earthquakes Coming to a City Near You or in areas where sink holes consume houses, or mountains move as the land begins Slip Sliding Away. Regardless of where you live it is always advisable to Prepare Yourself for Natural Disasters. Often it helps to use acronyms to make the most Simple Natural Disaster Preparedness plan that your family can follow.
When caught off guard, will you remember the The Ten Things People Forget to do? With the grid down or your food storage destroyed, do you have skills and the ability for Harvesting Food in the Wild? Whatever the natural event or disaster that may occur, it is essential that you have a sound preparedness plan and are ready to implement that plan on a moments notice.
All of these tasks and skills are wonderful and necessary, but don’t neglect the more-personal areas like Preparing the Heart. And on a lighter note, while you are equipping yourself and developing a sound preparedness plan for natural disasters, there is another essential component that may keep it all going smoothly…
and that is the need of Coffee for Survival. Either for yourself, to barter or give others to keep them sane in a crisis!
It’s true – and many cannot survive a day without it!
No matter what the disaster you may face, our hope is that we help you PREPARE to face them with courage and faith.
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