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Video: Food Storage for Gluten-Free and Dairy-Free

Premium Member Download

The video recording below is reserved for Premium Members and was recorded from a live online Preparinar (Webinar). This video is part of a special 4-part series on “Food Storage Help with Special Diet in Mind”.

(Note: Be sure to download the Special Resource Handout that is a helpful informational supplement with the video.)

Planning to Survive & Thrive while Gluten-free & Dairy-free for Autism


  • The why and how for our gluten-free and dairy-free diet.
  • What to store and why to store – specifics of a gluten-free and dairy-free pantry.
  • Tammy’s secrets to having everything she need (gluten-free and dairy-free) handy.

Download the Supplemental Handout Here:

[fastmemdownload file=”https://s3.amazonaws.com/preparemember/webinars/Food+Storage+Help+with+Dietary+Restrictions+/handouts/Trayer+Wilderness+-+How+To+Survive+With+A+Gluten+Free+Diet.pdf” title=”” imgf=”http://www.preparemember.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/DownloadNowRed.png”]