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Preparedness Need:  Limitless Energy

Preparedness Need: Limitless Energy

If you have been in a survival situation or are currently in a preparedness lifestyle - you know the importance of having good health and energy.  In fact, in any area of life having abundant energy is really important.  It seems cliche' but without a good supply of...

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Essential Oils in Preparedness

Essential Oils in Preparedness

Health Care is a topic that always seems to be in the news.  It stands to reason, because people are very concerned about the status of good, affordable Health Care.   Unfortunately, with rising costs, lack of health insurance, and even distrust issues, many people...

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What About a Bug-Out Micro-Homestead?

What About a Bug-Out Micro-Homestead?

Everywhere you go now there seems to be increasing anxiety and uncertainty about the future.   People are getting more and more concerned and are beginning to seriously take actions to prepare their families for the challenges and difficulties ahead. So, What about a...

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