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Special Reports

Preparedness Checklist

This Preppers Checklist is a list of functions, or capabilities that you need to provide for in each of the survival categories, especially if you’re a beginner at prepping. Unlike other preppers checklists, this checklist isn’t a shopping list of items that you need...

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Composting for Preparedness

Composting is important if you are growing crops as part of your preparedness strategy.   Here is a very helpful and informative Special Report on composting, from Evan Folds.  Evan is an expert in gardening and increasing crop yields.  He has a very unique knowledge...

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Micro Hydro Generator

Micro Hydro Generator

Building renewable sources of energy from home is possible.   Below is a Special Report (PDF format) that outlines the Anatomy of a Micro-Hydro Generator that can be constructed (from parts easily acquired) and used for generating electricity. [fastmemdownload...

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