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December 2015

Dec 23, 2015 | Archives (Past Publications), Blog | 0 comments

By Administrator

The December 2015 digital publication of PREPARE Magazine is now available for download and viewing.  You will find this to be an amazing issue that is filled with great training and resources for Preparedness.  Our Contributors share their expert guidance on many topics that are vital in survival and readiness. This publication definitely will be one that you should download, print, and have available in your archives.

Be sure to go and view the December 2015 digital publication of PREPARE Magazine. Thank you to our wonderful Contributors and Subscribers who help us each month to share this special mission of reaching-out to others, and helping with preparedness.

Premium Members Download the December 2015 Publication Below

This Digital Issue is the final one for the Calendar Year! It’s hard to believe we’re closing out another year and beginning a New Year already!

In 2015, we’ve seen many things happen around us in the political, social, economic areas of life that have solidified the need to prepare in people around the globe. There are wars and rumors of wars, threats, strife and stress all around us. People are edgy and nervous about their futures and we can see they feel this way for multiple reasons.

We don’t want to every feed that fear. There is enough fright based sustenance surrounding us. But we also cannot turn a blind eye to the topics that are less than uplifting and pretend they don’t need our attention. Our hope is that we can address them in a manner that will help you to feel more empowered and equipped to face them should the time come.

That is why there are some weightier articles in this December Digital Issue of PREPARE. Because it is important to know and trust Who is in your circle. Perhaps you have someone skilled as a medic, but have you considered how to protect the Medic in Hostile Settings?

Also, depending upon where you live it is important to understand The Influence of Gangs in a Societal Collapse and skills for Employing Force Protection at Home.

But it’s not all about the tensions of what could face us. Certainly they are realities, but the preparedness life is made up of far more than being on high alert all the time. The daily act of doing things out of the ordinary and Practicing Skills as a Method of Prepping gives depth and joy to living in anticipation of calling upon our preparedness plan. Skills such as knowing Edible Plants with Poisonous Look-alikes can save lives of you, your family and your friends. Even from day to day, changing habits and approaches such as learning more about the Importance of Nutrition for Your Preparedness Plan can help you to be prepared in peak health.

We would be remiss if we didn’t address that there is obviously more to life than preps, protection, planning and anxiety for what may or may not lie ahead. Life is made up of small victories as well as large ones. So we wanted to share some cheer with you and let you enjoy this RECIPE – Very Cherry Christmas Cookies which we hope will put a smile on your face and warmth in your home.

As always, we have a short Devotion at the end. Why do we do this? First let me say, it’s not to offend or proselytize anyone out of a religious arrogance. In fact, there is often the ‘warning’ in the title that it is a Devotion and can be read at your discretion. We include these rather out of the desire to speak Hope. As you watch the news, or simply feel the social pulse around you, the tension can at times be tangible. Some advice to combat that internal tension is found in this Pastor’s Perspective Devotion: This Should be Our Day



Attention: If you are a PREPARE Premium Member, you will see the download link below. (You will need to be logged-in to your account in order to see the download link).


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