The February 2016 digital publication of PREPARE Magazine is now available for download and viewing. This is an excellent publication that is filled with great training and resources for Preparedness, Survival, and self-reliant living. Our Contributors share their expert guidance on many topics that are vital in survival and readiness. This publication definitely will be one that you should download, print, and have available in your archives.
Be sure to go and view the February 2016 digital publication of PREPARE Magazine. We are so thankful for the incredible Contributors and Subscribers who help us each month to share this special mission of reaching-out to others, and helping with preparedness.
Premium Members Download the February 2016 Publication Below
We are so thankful for the writers, designers, photographers and of course, you our readers for joining us in this journey. For those who have been with us since the beginning, we hope you are continuing to glean knowledge and be encouraged with what our wonderful team has to share! For those who are new to our PREPARE Magazine Family who want to see what you’ve missed, you can! We have all 40 Digital Issues archived (plus more material) and available for PREPARE Premium Members.
The theme of this current issue is “Preparedness Economy & Personal Protection”. We often split our focus on topics since no one knows any one exact target for being prepared. The broad reach of preparedness is to plan for what life may throw our way from any direction. One area that finances, chaos and the need for protection do affect is our mental and spiritual health. We now see it in preppers and the general population all around us. That is why in this issue we offer the Devotion: Dealing with Discouragement. It is a battle many more may face in the days ahead.
The tactile struggles of tighter finances, changes in the economy, prepping on a low budget or planning for alternative monetary means are a bit more tangible to address. So in this issue, our authors offer ways to Have Fun with Silver, and No-Budget & Low-Budget Camping ideas to practice your skills. With our monetary system in a precarious place, it also would be prudent to begin Prepping with Bartering in Mind.
Protecting ourselves and our loved ones too requires a varied approach. There is no doubt that there is Victory in Personal Protection. It could be the need to protect ourselves from new illnesses or disease such as learning All about the Zika Virus. The Tomahawk Introduction can aid by offer protection and skill that go hand in hand with learning to use a new weapon/tool.
We hope you will enjoy the newest installment of PULSE – Part Two: Andrea Continued…
We have been thrilled at the comments shared with us about the new addition to PREPARE of the excerpts of this riveting work of fiction. Read on and let it spark your creative preparedness process!
We desire to improve with each issue, both in Print or Digital, and empower you to continue and not lose heart. We would love to hear from you to know how we have been able to serve and ways we can improve. Feel free to drop us a note at: Support(at)PREPAREMag(dot)com. We would love to hear from you.
Attention: If you are a PREPARE Premium Member, you will see the download link below. (You will need to be logged-in to your account in order to see the download link).