The January 2016 digital publication of PREPARE Magazine is now available for download and viewing.   This is the first release of the New Year and is an excellent publication that is filled with great training and resources for Preparedness. Our Contributors share their expert guidance on many topics that are vital in survival and readiness. This publication definitely will be one that you should download, print, and have available in your archives.
Be sure to go and view the January 2016 digital publication of PREPARE Magazine. Thank you to our wonderful Contributors and Subscribers who help us each month to share this special mission of reaching-out to others, and helping with preparedness.
Premium Members Download the January 2016 Publication Below
It’s a brand-new year, and we are excited to release a new look for PREPARE Magazine.
This year, 2016 is poised to contain some very interesting times ahead. We hear the buzz. We see the changes. The reports are showing there are some noteworthy things that may occur this calendar year. That’s why we want to start off with some encouraging words as you trim-out the unnecessary and prepare for the things that are of higher priority in your life.
For some people, trimming off the trappings around them is a high priority. That’s why it’s important to learn The Art of Downsizing and Keeping Your Sanity. It may mean they (or you) are considering a move to a more mobile option. Our long-time authors, and well-seasoned preparedness experts, Bill & Janet Liebsch share their adventure of Living in a Box on Wheels as they have embarked on this new chapter of their lives. But maybe doing ‘without’ something doesn’t have to be addressed when you develop the ingenuity of using something for untraditional means. Let’s say you need to carry several things in an emergency but don’t have a backpack. So here’s an out of the ordinary use to learn How to Make A Quick Pack – When You Don’t Have One!
For others along this journey of preparedness, the goal of more self-reliant and sustainable living may top the priority list. A Simple Living Guide to Rainwater Usage may help spark some of your own plans and Growing Your Own Herbal Medicine is a way to avoid relying on the drugstore.
Last year saw a rise in mass shootings or, at least, an instant access to any and all that may have happened, so it’s no wonder that tensions are at the highest ever previously reported. Fear can become a jailer if it is allowed to keep us from growing…so Realistic Concerns about an Active Shooter Scenario are important factors to acquaint ourselves with should, God Forbid, we ever find ourselves in that situation.
Now to add a bit of ‘fun’ within the preparedness thought process. With the New Year, we’re thrilled to now bring you a New Column of Fictional Installments! We hope you’ll enjoy the very first one: PULSE – Part One: Andrea. Each month the story will continue! If you’re impatient or want more than what the author is releasing with us at PREPARE – then you’ll want to buy the book (and part two as well!) Written in journal format we’re sure you’ll be eagerly awaiting the next installment next month!
A life of preparedness is one full of conflict and conundrums as we attempt to explain why we feel moved to prepare or how we choose to prepare and yet it is, in essence, an exercise in hope. Hope that what we learn, what we practice and what share with others will be a tangible ‘safety net’ in times of trouble. It is our sincerest hope that within the Digital or Print pages of PREPARE Magazine that you are finding encouragement and are able to use this work, this labor of love as a means to encourage others.
Attention: If you are a PREPARE Premium Member, you will see the download link below. (You will need to be logged-in to your account in order to see the download link).