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February/March 2017

Jan 29, 2017 | Blog | 0 comments

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PREPARE Magazine

The February/March 2017 digital publication of PREPARE Magazine is now available for download and viewing.

Due to some delays beyond our control, we decided to combine February and March publications.  As a result, the February/March publication is a bit larger than usual and is packed-full of expert articles offering incredible training and resources for Preparedness, Survival, and self-reliant living.  Our Contributors share their expert guidance on many topics that are vital in survival and readiness. This publication definitely will be one that you should download, print, and have available in your archives.

Be sure to go and view the February/March 2017 digital publication of PREPARE Magazine. We are so thankful for the incredible Contributors and Subscribers who help us each month to share this special mission of reaching-out to others, and helping with preparedness.

Premium Members Download the February/March 2017 Publication Below

Prioritizing and Planning your Preparedness Efforts…

When the lightbulb first comes on in someone’s mind that: “Hmm, maybe there is something to this preparedness thought process?”… usually the floodgates open and in rush ideas, opinions, interjections and, to be frank, worry. Many people are overwhelmed at how to organize their thoughts when they first see need to prepare.

At first, it all seems overwhelming because it appears to be a task list. It looks like an insurmountable, ever growing one. But once you get past the opinions of others and settle on how you need to approach it for yourself and your family, you’ll see it’s easier to organize and live this as a lifestyle rather than a ‘to-do-list.’

Next, is figuring out your priorities, plans, and strategies. This is a very malleable area that does change as finances, seasons, health and extended loved ones needs change. There’s no shame in that. Let this area always be one where you can grow and tweak.

Then, it appears that the process turns to a little bit of a false-negative. The false belief takes hold that there is a level to be measured for preparedness;  that those who are ‘newbies’ just don’t have anything to offer and somehow, we or you, or others ‘have arrived’.  This is a fallacy of the utmost danger to buy into as if there is some ranked level of preparedness.

The truth be told, there is not. No one has reached the Grand-Poo-Bah level or is a Preparedness Grand-Master of all
things. Don’t buy into it and you’ll always be able to grow in your prepping. Buy that lie and you lull and die. Or at least stagnate while you compare yourself with others or are too arrogant to learn from others.

That is why PREPARE Magazine has a wide array of advice, tips, and encouragement. We never know where someone reading this may be in their journey. You may be seasoned or new to the adventure. We may have an author that offers basics in a way that the veteran of prepping had never thought of before! We may have an author who shares great detail and expertise that reaches a passionate point of a newbie reader and spurs them to prepare in that area! To dismiss anyone or any advice as inadequate would be doing a disservice to reaching the masses with the mission of positive preparedness.

We hope that no matter where you are on your journey, as you prepare, plan and prioritize you will also practice. If we can play a part in encouraging you to do these things…we have done our part! We pray we always will inspire readers on to be more…learn more…share more…do more and be at peace and ready.

We wish you the best as you PREPARE for your future! It’s on its way every new day!

For those who are new to our PREPARE Magazine Family who want to see what you’ve missed, you can! We have over 40 Digital Issues archived (plus more material) and available for PREPARE Premium Members.


Attention: If you are a PREPARE Premium Member, you will see the download link below. (You will need to be logged-in to your account in order to see the download link).


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