The October 2015 digital publication of PREPARE Magazine has been released and is now available for download and viewing. This is a beautiful issue that offers important tips, training and resources to help in Preparedness. Our world-class Contributors share their expert guidance on many topics that are vital in survival and readiness – especially entering this new season. This is an excellent publication will be one that you should download, print, and have available in your archives.
Be sure to go now and view the October 2015 digital publication of PREPARE Magazine. Thank you to our wonderful Contributors and Subscribers who help us each month to share this special mission of reaching-out to others, and helping with preparedness.
Premium Members Download the October 2015 Publication Below
Autumn leaves have turned beautiful colors and begun to fall. The air is becoming more crisp and cool as winter approaches. For those of us desirous of a self-sufficient lifestyle, it’s not yet time to snuggle in and curl up. Oh no. On the contrary, the garden needs some specific tending during this time of year and winter weather requires some prepping for areas such as your home, your skill set and your vehicle safety – just to name a few.
There are many things to be done and part of the ongoing process of Food Storage Planning. The garden is a huge part of having a sustainable food source. This time of year we often focus on the Harvesting and Storage of Plants and Seeds. Sure, each spring you could go buy new seed or sprouts to plant and many people do. So some people may not yet understand this, but we are Saving Seed for Resilience.
Because of the adulterated crops and the skill needed to be truly self-sustaining, knowing how to perpetuate a healthy crop from year to year is a must! Just like other skills such as personal protection, seed saving is a skill we can learn and practice regularly. After all, any skill can get ‘rusty’ if not practiced because Skills are perishable!
Before the worst of the winter weather approaches us, now is the time to begin to hone those skillsets that are associated with the extreme cold. Should you find yourself stranded and away from typical heating amenities for a prolonged period of time your Winter Survival Skills will need to be sharp! Even while in a vehicle the blustery or freezing weather may impact your safety so it can be vital that you know some Winter Car Survival Tips. Winter also increases the incidents of residential fires. The greatest increased incidents come from space heaters and holiday cooking. It’s important to plan ahead, keep aware and know some sensible Fire Safety Tips.
We are hopeful that you are sharing an encouraging word of preparedness with others, sharing how they can subscribe for FREE to our monthly Digital Issues. There are many things surrounding us that may seem daunting or scary. In fact, it is those things that are much out of our control for which we tend to prepare, but why you are preparing, how you are preparing is just as important to us THAT you are preparing. So in closing, we hope you will take a short time to do a little ‘self-diagnosis’ to find out if your planning, preparing and action steps are healthy for you. Are You Driven By Faith Or Fear? And then make the internal adjustments needed to find joy in this journey!
Keep running the race!
Attention: If you are a PREPARE Premium Member, you will see the download link below. (You will need to be logged-in to your account in order to see the download link).