The October 2017 digital publication of PREPARE Magazine is now available for download and viewing.
This publication has been released with expert articles offering training and resources for Preparedness, Survival, and self-reliant living. Our Contributors share their expert guidance on many topics that are vital in survival and readiness. You will certainly want to download, print, and have available in your archives.
Right now, go and view the October 2017 digital publication of PREPARE Magazine. We are so thankful for the incredible Contributors and Subscribers who help us each month to share this special mission of reaching-out to others, and helping with preparedness.
Premium Members Download the October 2017 Publication Below
Preparednesss is a Journey Not a Destination…
Our theme for the September/October 2017 Digital Issue is: Getting Ready to GO!
We really aren’t saying that to GO should always be your ‘go to’ plan –, but that sometimes it is prudent to be ready to go if needed. Sometimes being on the go is the only option so being ready is a good idea, even if you end up staying somewhere during a crisis at least you can make the change to go at the drop of a hat because you’re ready to go…even if you don’t choose it this time.
Our goal is to offer some inspiration and let you tweak the ideas to make them your own.
That ‘Now What?’ question doesn’t have to stall you like it does most folks after a disaster strikes. You may need to think ahead to find a Great Bugout Location (for FREE even) or prepare your family a R.E.D Book to grab on the way out the door along with your Bags to Go.
There are some great ideas and plans from expert authors within these pages. So you can read and
glean what fits (or inspires) your preparedness journey and make it into your plan, your way, go
or stay or a little of both – it’s up to you.
Our goal is just to help. So that when trouble hits – you can be ready to go or no – and be fine either way!
That is why PREPARE Magazine has a wide array of advice, tips, and encouragement. We never know where someone reading this may be in their journey. You may be seasoned or new to the adventure. We may have an author that offers basics in a way that the veteran of prepping had never thought of before! We may have an author who shares great detail and expertise that reaches a passionate point of a newbie reader and spurs them to prepare in that area! To dismiss anyone or any advice as inadequate would be doing a disservice to reaching the masses with the mission of positive preparedness.
We hope that no matter where you are on your journey, as you prepare, plan and prioritize you will also practice. If we can play a part in encouraging you to do these things…we have done our part! We pray we always will inspire readers on to be more…learn more…share more…do more and be at peace and ready.
We wish you the best as you PREPARE for your future! It’s on its way every new day!
For those who are new to our PREPARE Magazine Family who want to see what you’ve missed, you can! We have over 40 Digital Issues archived (plus more material) and available for PREPARE Premium Members.
Attention: If you are a PREPARE Premium Member, you will see the download link below. (You will need to be logged-in to your account in order to see the download link).