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Preparedness Need: Limitless Energy

May 23, 2016 | Blog, Books and Courses

By Administrator

If you have been in a survival situation or are currently in a preparedness lifestyle – you know the importance of having good health and energy.  In fact, in any area of life having abundant energy is really important.  It seems cliche’ but without a good supply of energy you simply can’t do the things you want (and need) to do in order to get better prepared.  That’s why this book can be a helpful resource.

Preparedness Need:  Limitless Energy

Everyone is always talking about time management and how to be able to complete our preparedness plan. There just aren’t enough hours in the day for many of us and so the belief goes that if we could squeeze a little more productivity out of our time, we’d be able to accomplish our preparedness plans, realize our dreams, earn more money, stay more organized and enjoy more time off.

It all sounds great, except for one thing: the entire endeavor is completely misguided. Sounds harsh but in fact it’s also completely true. Your problem is not with time. You have plenty of time.  If you didn’t have plenty of time, you probably wouldn’t have been able to watch that entire boxset of “Doomsday Preppers” would you? And you likely wouldn’t have spent so long on YouTube…

The problem isn’t time – it’s energy. Your energy, just like your time, is finite. Only it actually exists in somewhat smaller quantities meaning that it’s all too easy to run out and end up completely exhausted. And that’s when we start to use our time poorly and not get much done.

Think about it: imagine if you could jump out of bed feeling energetic first thing in the morning. What would you do with that extra hour of productivity? Hit the gym maybe? Make some calls? Do last night’s washing up so that you could live in a house that wouldn’t always be untidy?

Remember when you were a little kid and you could just run around all day without ever seeming to get tired? Wouldn’t it be incredible if you could get that back?

That’s what we’ll be looking at in this book…

What You Will Learn

So what will you learn in this e-book specifically? Here are just some of the topics we’ll be covering:

  • How to assess your own energy levels
  • How mitochondrial function contributes to your energy levels and how to get back the mitochondrial function you had in your youth
  • How to use supplements to give yourself a ‘competitive edge’ when it comes to energy
  • How to choose superfoods that supercharge your energy
  • How to avoid foods that drain your energy and slow your body down
  • What type of training you can use to increase your energy
  • The role of stress in energy management
  • The secrets to a perfect night’s sleep and how this leads to enhanced energy
  • How habits and morning schedule contribute to your energy
  • How more energy makes you perform better – and even be smarter!

And much more!

Attention: If you are a PREPARE Premium Member, you will see the download link below. (You will need to be logged-in to your account in order to see the download link).


Premium Members Download below:

Limitless Energy

How to Create More Energy in Your Life

Limitless Energy

Click the red button to download the PDF file.

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