NEW VIDEO….. “How to Install a Hydraulic Ram Pump”
CLICK HERE to View the New Training Video
A hydraulic ram pump is an extremely useful low-cost tool that can help with preparedness and self-reliance. A hydraulic ram pump is a simple kinetic pump that is typically utilized in remote and rural locations that may not have electric power.
The reason this pump can be a very helpful device is that it can move water from a creek or river to a higher elevation – without using an external power source. It is extremely economical and efficient to operate as it relies only on the weight of the water in the pipes to move the parts and press the water. This system may work for years with little or no maintenance.
The hydraulic ram pump requires very little maintenance to operate. If something does go awry in the primary areas of the system, the pump will likely stop working completely until minor modifications are made. Typically, these modifications will include a simply cleaning of the water flow areas.
Many people utilize a hydraulic ram pump to move water from a creek up to a garden area. Other beneficial uses include: watering animals and livestock, pumping water into a spring house, or even into the home to help supply the water needs of the home.
Thanks to Seth Johnson for this excellent training resource!
View the Video Here
We Need Your Help…
Please take a few moments to offer your suggestions. We are working on some new Preparedness training and resources and need your input for our planning. It will only take a few seconds…
The latest digital publication of PREPARE Magazine has been released. You can access it at the link below:
Go to:
REMINDER…. Webinar Replay…Details Below!
Recorded, October 17th at 8:00 PM EST.
What if you and your family had to live outside (bushcraft) for an indeterminate amount of time? Would you be ready? Would you be skilled? Would you survive?
PREPARE Magazine Premium Members had special access to a LIVE Member’s Webinar on October 17th at 8PM Eastern. It was an AMAZING webinar!
GOOD NEWS… If you were unable to attend (or if you arrived late and all seats were taken), we recorded the special event for Members. You can listen to the recording by clicking the link below:
The October Digital Publication of PREPARE is now ready for our Premium Members. It is uploaded into the member area and available by clicking the link on the right sidebar or by clicking HERE. (The PDF and zip formats will be available soon.)
Thursday, October 17th at 8:00 PM EST.
Mark your calendars! Link details coming soon.
Top 10 Foundational Bushcraft Skills you need to Survive!
- * Making the Pre-plan
- * Survival Psychology
- * Understanding Fire
- * Building/Finding Shelter
- * Understanding Water
- * Outdoor Security
- * Procuring Food/Foraging
- * Tools to carry
- * Scrounging
- * Practicing No-FAK
Great News! The second print issue is beautiful and has been released to our print subscribers. Premium Members get a great discount on the print subscription. You may want to consider a Christmas Gift of a PREPARE Subscription.
New Preparedness Resources Released…
There have been several new resources released into your Premium Member area over the last couple of weeks. Be sure to always check for new trainings, special reports, and videos. We have quite a few new tools and trainings coming.
* Preparing for a Natural Disaster
* 31 Tips for Holistic Wellness
* The Foundation to Thrive: Basics for Survival
October Digital Release: The October Digital Publication of PREPARE is in final edits, and will soon be ready for our Premium Members. We will upload into the Member area as soon as it is released from our designer.
Our second print issue will be available shortly. It is in final printing, and will soon be released by the printer. This is a beautiful publication that our print subscribers will really enjoy. If you are not a print subscriber, remember, Premium Members get a discount on the subscription – so you may want to take advantage of it. Visit the following link:
Also, we are pushing thing forward with our third publication so we anticipate an early release – to try and catch-up after the changing of our designer.
The September Digital Publication of PREPARE is now ready for our Premium Members. It is uploaded into the member area and available by clicking the link on the right sidebar or by clicking HERE.
The PDF and zip formats are also available.
Great News! The second print issue is in final edits and is scheduled to be at the printers on Friday. This is a beautiful publication and will be headed to our print subscribers shortly.
Our third publication will be released early to help catch-up due to the delay with our changing of designers.
September 19th… Special Webinar for Premium Members!
Premium PREPARE Members, Please plan to join us with our Special Guest Jane Liebsch co-founder (with husband Bill) of FedHealth. She will be joining us on the September 19th Premium PREPARE Members LIVE Webinar. Janet will be bringing to light many of the things involved with National Preparedness Month (September) from the point of view of the First Responder, FEMA and the general preparedness population. She will share some great ideas to get kids involved, community awareness and how to encourage the ‘beginner’.
She will also share how you can help get your community, church, school or civic group involved in fundraisers that will not only serve to boost the entities charitable support, but will actually serve to prepare your neighbors and the community that surrounds you.
The phone lines and chat room will be open for all Premium PREPARE Members who are able to attend LIVE. Space is limited! Janet & PREPARE Magazine have teamed up together to offer a special download gift for Premium PREPARE Members who are LIVE and for those who watch/listen later after the LIVE event.
You won’t want to miss this presentation and opportunity to speak directly with one of the industry leaders who helps not only communities be more prepared, but has written this manual that is used by so many First Responders who daily risk their lives in perilous conditions to come to the aid of those in disastrous situations.
With help from people like Bill and Janet Leibsh, we can know what we will do about a disaster and be more support than stress in an emergency situation.
The daily reports of disasters keep reinforcing that people need to take personal responsibility for their own and their families’ safety. This 266-page book helps families and businesses prepare for and respond to most types of disasters, emergencies and first aid needs.
With hundreds of thousands of books in print (see partial client list) and millions in cash and match donations to First Responders, volunteers and nonprofit organizations, Bill and Janet continue to explore new and innovative ways to help our country “be aware, be prepared, and have a plan”.
FedHealth is a sole source, small business listed on GSA’s SAM database, the Ariba Supplier Network and many State and local procurement systems.
The August Publication of PREPARE is now ready for our Premium Members. It is uploaded into the member area and available by clicking the link on the right sidebar or by clicking HERE.
The PDF and zip formats will be uploaded as soon as they have been rendered and are ready.
The next print issue of PREPARE is at the designer. Unfortunately, we have been delayed in the release as we have been involved in the relocation of our offices to handle the growth of PREPARE Magazine. We are almost settled and will be able to greatly expand our services to the Preparedness Community. You will be very pleased! (More on that soon).
The design should be at the printers soon, and then sent to our print subscribers. You will love the issue!
Thank you for your patience.
Updates and Ram Pump!
We have several excellent books and e-courses that should be released very shortly. We apologize for the slight delay, as our writers have been delayed in releasing their work. Be assured they are coming shortly and will be excellent tools.
We are also relocating our offices to better serve our PREPARE family, so that has also impacted our operations. Please bear with us as we settle-in to our new offices and update our servers.
One of our great contributors (Seth Johnson) has recently released a video and book on “How to Build a Hydraulic Ram Pump”. This is a great little tool, and Seth provides excellent instruction on how to build one yourself. We have received permission to share this excellent resource with you. You can view the video in your video area, and download the special report below.
[fastmemdownload file=” reports/Hydraulic Ram Pump/Hydraulic-Ram-Pump1-v1.pdf” title=”DOWNLOAD HERE” imgf=””]
Here is a short video that shows how to build and operate the Ram Pump. Thanks to our good friend Seth Johnson for sharing this useful resource.
Important Interview…
On June 26 we had a very special and exclusive interview with featured writer, Evan Folds, on the importance of growing your soil. The information in this interview is very important for everyone. Whether you grow your own crops, have a lawn, or just eat food – you will find this to be a very interesting topic. To find out more and to hear the interview, go to:
We have released the July Publication of PREPARE for our Premium Members. It is currently being uploaded into the member area and will be available by clicking the link on the right toolbar.
This is a beautiful publication and is loaded with great content. It’s a larger publication than normal.
The online Viewer format (Premium) should be ready by July 3rd. Our designer is traveling for the Holidays, and will need an extra day to create the viewer version. We will initially upload the other file formats (pdf and zip) and place in the download section of your member area. We hope you enjoy this issue.
June Issue is here!
We have released the June Publication of PREPARE.
It is available by clicking the link on the right toolbar.
There are a couple link issues that will be corrected shortly. We will also upload the other file formats and place in the download section of your member area. We hope you enjoy this issue.
10 things You should Stockpile BEFORE a Crisis
We have recorded a helpful video that lists the 10 things you should be stockpiling now before a crisis hits. The video will be uploaded into your video section and available to Members shortly.
In addition,we have scheduled some amazing webinars that you will not want to miss. Here are our upcoming webinars that will be available to Premium Members:
- * Impacting Your Food Supply: Why it is vital to GROW YOUR SOIL
- * No Electricity Cooking: Effective Use of a Solar Oven
- * Inexpensive Aquaponics and Hydroponics Systems
- * Prepping with only Pennies
Member Forum is Ready
Last week, we launched the new Member Forum but had a few bugs to contend with. We have resolved the issues, and have “seeded” the forum with some topics to begin discussions. We just need our Community of members to start sharing :).
The forum is new so it will take some time for people to feel comfortable in sharing. Ultimately, we believe the forum will be an active part of the membership community – where ideas and resources are exchanged within our community. Please come and share.
To join the Member Forum, go here
New Videos and Member Forum
Last week, we hosted our first live webinar. The webinar was excellent, but as expected we did run into a few minor technical issues. We are using one of the top new webinar platforms so we believe the quality of the experience was excellent. The technical issue was on our transitions from live presentations – to sharing some recorded material. We didn’t record properly.
Anyway, we are very excited about this new presentation format, and believe it will be a valuable part of the Member experience. We’ll be able to bring great trainings and speakers that will be a great resource for our members.
Rather than load the recording of the whole Webinar, we have uploaded two of the videos that were shared on the video. Go to your Video area for the two-part video presentation, or CLICK THE LINKS BELOW:
Part-1…Why Whole Grains for Preparedness
Part-2… Milling and Storing Whole Grains for Preparedness
We have launched the new Member Forum. It is brand new, so it will take some time to build-out and begin the discussions. We will be starting that process, so please join us.
To join the Member Forum, go here
Special Live Webinar…
Thursday May 23rd, 7pm EST.
Premium Members are invited to attend our first live Webinar on Thursday evening, May 23rd at 7:00pm. This will be a live meeting event.
There are limited seats available for live attendance, but we will be recording the webinar and making it available to our Premium Members. We will be using some brand-new systems so we anticipate a bit of a learning-curve as we host many attendees.
We will post the login information in your members area (Thursday morning) so you will want to login to your member account to get the link and information to attend.
To attend, go to this link:
To join from your computer or mobile device, click this link or copy
it into your browser:
To join the audio, choose one of three methods:
Internet Audio: Simply select the internet audio option after join.
Your Phone: Call +17759963562.
Skype: You can call the Skype contact skygw91
If prompted, enter the meeting number: 19993062, then press #.
While you can Fuze from a browser, our apps give you the best experience.
Get Fuze for your device here at
Need help? You can connect to our Customer Support Team or access self-help
tools at
The Webinar topic will be:
Intro to Home-milling and Storing Whole Grains
Using whole grains (10-12mins)
- Why use and store whole grains? (Nutrition, budget, shelf-life)
- Options for milling? (electric and manual)
- Differences in baking/using fresh milled flour? (wet weather, spoil, rancidity, storing the flour)

Storing whole grains (10-12mins)
- Decide your option. Store & ignore? Store & rotate/use? Both? (Explain all suggest to do both rotate/use first)
- Methods vary but three rules remain. (dry, dark & cool)
- What to store in? (bpa free bucket, mylar bag, oxygen absorbers, portions)
Special Report: Composting 101
May 18, 2013
A new Special Report has been uploaded into the Members Area. This is an excellent report, and very important for increasing crop yields:
Go to the Special Report Section, or Download here
Webinar Recording!
May 16, 2013
Our first Webinar has been recorded and will be available shortly. We are waiting on our recording service to complete the rendering of the video and release it for viewing.
We had intended to offer a live webinar, but our office was shut down this week due to construction initiated by our Town – that would not allow us access. We will reschedule the live webinar for next week.
This webinar offers a short tour of the Member Area
How to Change Your Password
May 13, 2013
Greetings! We have had several Member contact us and ask how they can change their password in the system. It is very easy. Here is a brief video tutorial to show you how to quickly change your password.
(Email is often unreliable (due to spam filters and mail servers) so be sure to regularly check the latest updates section. We’ll do our best to keep you informed of new things as they are released.)
Live Webinar Update:
We are still scheduled to hold our first live webinar event on Thursday May 16th. The time will be 7pm.
Remember, these webinars will be RECORDED. So, if you are unable to attend live you will have access to the video recording and any printed material related to the webinar – in the Member area.
Excellent New Resources!
May 3, 2013
Greetings! We wanted to offer a quick update to our Premium Members. We have been extremely busy putting together some new training resources and getting things released into the Membership site. We apologize if there is a lag in some communications.
Email is often unreliable (due to spam filters and mail servers) so be sure to regularly check the latest updates section. We’ll do our best to keep you informed of new things as they are released.
Here are some of the resources to look out for:
Member Tour Video(s): As we mentioned, it is a very busy time for us but we do want to properly welcome you and show you around. Around May 8th, we will be sharing a Video Tour of the Membership area – so you can have a better understanding of what is available and how to access all the resources.
Member Forum: The new Member Forum is scheduled to be ready for launch by the 15th of May. Be sure to join the conversation and help build a strong community.
First Webinar: We have set May 16th aside for our first live Webinar. We will announce the exact time and content within the next week. The webinar will be recorded so if you are unable to attend. It will be saved in your member area for your future reference.