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Survival Basics: Sharing Some Basic Survival Tips

Mar 4, 2016 | Blog, Books and Courses | 0 comments

By Administrator

If you are in preparedness, you know the importance of survival skills.  You know it is important to have a disaster readiness plan to keep your family safe in the event of a catastrophe.  The reality is, having a preparedness plan in place is essential for every family.  The fact is, no-one is ever going to be 100% safe.   That’s why this book will be helpful to consider some survival basics.

Some Survival Basics

First, let’s consider the reality of why No-one os Really 100% Safe!

This is common knowledge—that disaster is everywhere. It’s in the streets, it’s inside your campuses, and it can even be found inside your home. The question is not whether we are safe (because no one is really THAT secure anymore) but whether we can do something to lessen the odds of ever becoming a victim.

First, what is a disaster, anyway? By definition, a disaster is any catastrophe or tragedy that occurs (can also be identified as a destruction or calamity). That doesn’t sound good at all, does it? We should be alarmed at the mere mention of this term and we have good reasons to be because there are so many kinds of disaster.

Name it and it has it. Think of the natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, flood, tornadoes, tsunamis, cyclones, or even fire and, you wouldn’t want this last one, aggression.

Accept the fact that these calamities are in all places. There are areas that are more prone to tornadoes or earthquakes and there are also some that are more exposed to cyclones.

Take a good look at San Francisco. It’s a place that is literally just waiting for the next big earthquake but you can’t, of course, expect the people to just leave the place and start a life some place else. Life isn’t like that. In life, and in almost everything, there is always a risk. People in Sri Lanka or Indonesia should not stop living because the tsunami could strike any minute. Let’s hope that point is driven.

But to better reiterate the point, let’s look at a man-made disaster—aggression. Unlike the natural disasters, this is caused by people who abuse and hurt other individuals just to satiate their hunger for power, or to gain religious supremacy, or just to satisfy a craving for violence.

Whatever reasons these crazy people have in their minds, the point is, no one is safe. You could be (or so you think) locked up safe inside your home when all of a sudden someone breaks in and attacks your loved ones. Really, no one is 100% safe anymore. You could be in the world’s richest and most powerful nation or in the poorest of the poor country, still, disasters abound.

The only leverage that anyone has against disasters is preparedness. Just like an illness, it is best to prevent it from occurring instead of thinking of the many cures that could be available. Although a disaster could strike anywhere or any minute, you could, at least, perceive a disaster plan in advance.

Preparedness is compulsory to families or even individuals. In this guide, we get down to some details.



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Survival Basics!

Some Basic Survival Tips

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