If you are in preparedness, you likely have supplies stored for potential difficulties ahead. When people consider a preparation plan, most immediately think of storing food and water. But, have you ever considered what you might do if your food storage runs out or perhaps is destroyed? Too many people are considering hoarding and storage, instead of self-reliance and Sustainable living.
Sustainable Living! Ideas for Preparedness
You recycle. You buy organic foods whenever possible and you try to combine your errands so you don’t use too much fuel. Maybe you carpool to work and occasionally buy and sell from consignment stores. Sustainability is on your radar. You want to be a responsible citizen that takes care of the planet and does what you can to live an environmentally-friendly lifestyle.
When it comes to sustainability there is a balance. Most people want to do more to live an eco-friendly life, but they also want to make sure that it doesn’t consume all of their time, energy, and money.
For example, there’s a difference between starting a garden and converting your entire household energy to solar power. One requires a few hours a week of your time and the other may require several months of renovations and a change in energy consumption that you may not be prepared for.
So how do you know where that balance is? How do you know if you’re doing as much as you can do without dramatically changing the way you live your life? How should you look at sustainable living for your preparedness planning?
In this short guide, we offer some ideas for you to consider for Sustainable Living that can be very helpful in your preparedness planning.
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Sustainable Living!
Some Ideas to Consider for Your Preparedness
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