Everywhere you go now there seems to be increasing anxiety and uncertainty about the future. People are getting more and more concerned and are beginning to seriously take actions to prepare their families for the challenges and difficulties ahead.
So, What about a Bug-Out Micro-Homestead?
Whether you believe in a catastrophic doomsday scenario or just want to be better prepared in case things get a little rocky, it is important that you take the time to really consider the “what if” scenarios. It doesn’t matter where you live or what your current situation is, everyone will be impacted by some level of difficulties that lie ahead. It is prudent to plan now and begin taking action to protect and provide security for your family.
In this short guide, we will offer a general discussion about planning and building a more self-sustaining and simplified lifestyle – specifically with a micro-homestead. The purpose of this guide is not to give you a complete instructional manual on setting up your micro-homestead, but rather to share ideas and spark your creative process in considering other options for your ongoing preparedness planning.
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What about a Bug-Out Micro-Homestead?
Guide to Movable Micro-Homesteads
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