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Winterizing Your Home

Sep 17, 2013 | Books and Courses, Latest News | 0 comments

By Administrator



A Snug “Bug-In”

Discover How You Can Prepare Your Home for the Winter, and Save Money On Your Heating Bills!

 Dear Prepare Premium Member,

I don’t know about you, but as the fall season approaches and the colored leaves begin to appear, I begin to think about the approaching winter.  When Fall has concluded it’s beautiful display, the brown and orange leaves disappear and a cold chill invites its way in your area.

That is… if you reside in an area where winter weather is guaranteed every year.

For those of you who are fortunate enough not to have harsh winter weather, good for you. However, for those of us that do battle with cold (and that’s most of us) we have to brace for the frigid and freezing temperatures as we make our way out the door to our various destinations.

We also have to brace ourselves for those humungous utility bills that we look forward to because of cranking up the heater in order to stay warm. Of course, most people dread getting those bills because they know that the amount is usually a whopper. This alone can cause a person major, major stress.

However, that stress factor can be temporary. One of the best ways to get those heating bills down is to winterize your home. Of course, the best time to do this is prior to the cold setting in. You want to be ready and prepared when that cold winds start to hit. By then, you will have everything in place to keep you and your family warm and save money at the same time.

So, now you are stumped. You are really stumped when they tell you that you are most likely having an anxiety attack. What?? Yes, they did not stutter. You are having an anxiety attack.

Anxiety is a state of mind. You allow your mind to think these thoughts and then you start freaking out—for something that you think is happening in your mind, but really isn’t. However, you don’t care if that’s what it is. You are still scared, fearful and you can hardly get your bearings together.

What? “Save Money” How can I save money when the heating bills continue to increase?…

This report, Winterizing Your Home (Simple Steps to Money Saving Ideas!), will show you how you can stay warm and save money at the same time! No more frustration over costly heating bills as you and your family try to stay warm during the winter season. It’s such a convenience to have heat in your home. However, when that bill comes, it’s a totally different story. Sometimes you wish you could just burn it; but you know you have to give the utility company what is due to them for servicing your home with heat.

There are plenty of secrets and other tips in this report that can help you get and keep your money’s worth. You will be amazed at the amount of money you can save while still keeping warm in your home.

In this report, you will discover:

  • How to conduct your own energy audit
  • How a professional energy audit is performed
  • How to seal air leaks
  • What a tankless water heater can do for your home
  • How to insulate a water heater
  • Where you can use window treatments
  • What caulking can do for your home
  • What weatherstripping can do for your home
  • How air sealing can decrease your heating bill
  • How you can benefit from a whole-house systems approach
  • How a barrier helps to keep heating costs down
  • The meaning of the R-value
  • Why the Federal Government requires R-value labels on all insulation products

And More!




[fastmemdownload file=”http://preparemember.s3.amazonaws.com/special reports/Winterizing Your Home/Winterizing Your Home.pdf” title=”” imgf=”http://www.preparemember.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/DownloadNowRed.png”]

 [fastmemdownload file=”http://preparemember.s3.amazonaws.com/special reports/Winterizing Your Home/Winterizing Your Home.pdf” title=”DOWNLOAD PDF HERE” imgf=””]


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